to New Beginnings

There is a difference in the way he walks down the hall, and not because a trail of 25 kids follow; that’s the usual for him. There is an apprehension in his step, the slightest glance as he passes the principal’s door. He’s there. A jolt of electricity runs through his body, every muscle retracts and then releases with a breath. His students do not notice. Only one asks, “What’s in your hand?” And he draws the single page close against his chest. He does not answer.

He ushers the students into the drama room and lingers at the door, waiting to catch his colleague’s eye. “I’m doing it,” he mouths and waves the paper beside his ear. She’s the only one who knows he was really considering it.

He returns to the hallway without his tail of children, but the paper still held securely between finger and thumb. He has not, in years, felt so giddy, so alive. Why do we teach kids to never quit, he wonders aloud to his adrenaline-fueled body. He is back at the principal’s door, but he doesn’t stop, he cannot stop. He continues down the hallway that leads to a part of the school he has no need to go to. Turns around, back toward the principal.

There is a bounce in his step now. His breaths are deep. He has to close his eyes and shake his hands at the wrist as he dispels the air. Another teacher passes by. Stops. “Is everything okay?” She looks at the contract in his hand. 

“I’m quitting,” he tells her. He sees the tears forming in her eyes. 

“Are you sure?”


She hugs him. She knows him, knows how much he loves to teach, knows how much he needs to quit. “Get on with it, then,” she says, squeezes his shoulders, pushes him in the direction of the principal’s door. He knocks and steps in, simultaneously. 


  1. Alex , what a beautiful way to share a very big moment. You took us with you to the principal's office. "You did it!" Now the world beckons. Congratulations for all you do for your students. This sentence says it all, "She knows him, knows how much he loves to teach, knows how much he needs to quit."

  2. This is so well written. The description makes the scene so vivid and the motion of the moment so real. Next year I plan on making that same walk. Best of luck to you!

    Amanda Regan

  3. Oh, yes....why do we discourage kids to take that leap?? I am in awe of the courage and vulnerability it takes to take that walk with that piece of paper!

  4. Wow, that was a really powerful piece. I loved the description and the images it made. Thank You!

  5. You inspire me, Alex. Your'e a man of faith! Well done...and beautifully written.

  6. Beautifully crafted to share a significant turning point in your life, Alex. It brought tears to my eyes too. I admire your courage and wish I had the same. - from Naami


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