to Ms. Curwood

Sometimes a sound erupts so loudly down that hallway that we must stop what we are doing. Must all run toward the door. Down the hall. Just to find the source.

And there is Ms. Curwood. Curled over herself. Laughing from the belly. Stopping only long enough to draw in a deep breath before roaring again in laughter.

Her laughter puts her students at ease when the hecticness of school can be overwhelming. It puts her colleagues at ease when the tension in the room has been pulled so tight we have forgotten that we are on the same team. It puts parents at ease when they have forgotten how to appreciate their child just as he or she is.

So we stand there for a moment, in the ease she has created. Some of us laugh, too. Some crack a smile. All take a breath before we return to our classroom, our tasks, our duties, with a little lightness in our step.


  1. This is the best. I had a teacher friend who was the same way. It always made everyone feel better just to hear her laugh. And her laugh was the best when she was pulling a prank on someone.

  2. What a sweet tribute and wonderfully written. You describe the physicality , from her curled over herself to everybody moving to see what the sound is about. For me, the best part is your third paragraph about the service these belly laughs provide. And I like seeing your postcard note, and love the phrase ‘a lifetime of corkers and a few pearls, too!’

  3. I love the postcard! Who is the artist? I had a smile on my face while reading about laughter and happy sounds! How cool!


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